Thursday, November 19, 2009

TVI Express Home Business Opportunity – Discount Travel

Achieve Fast Results With This Simple, Easy, Affordable Homebased Business That Can Turn $250 Into $10,000 In 45 Days Or Less.~~~~~~~~~~
I Have a Special Offer for ***YOU*** Just in Time for the Holidays!

As you are reading this information today, consider yourself extremely fortunate! During this slow economy, I have been blessed by others to be in the in the right place at the right time, and I want to pass this opportunity onto YOU!!
Finally, a home business opportunity has arrived that levels the playing field and lets anyone who has been struggling in this economy and/or is currently thinking about starting a homebased business — create some well deserved cash flow! People around the world are benefiting every day from the money they are making with TVI Express.
Here Is My Special Offer For ***YOU*** Today in keeping with the Holiday Spirit of Giving!”
*****OFFER: I’m willing to GUARANTEE that if within 3 months you haven’t earned your initial $250 investment back after you have sponsored two people who have joined the TVI Express Opportunity, then I will personally pay $250 into your bank account as a refund and still keep your place in the business and still be able to make money in TVI Express because the business is designed to suite everybodies way of Life.
Now you have nothing to loose and a whole lot to gain! You will not only help yourself but the people that you bring into the business. Joining in November means that you could receive your first $10K before Christmas…imagine what this could do for you and your family!
Who in the world would do this if they weren’t positive this business will work for you, if you are willing to do your part??!! This is my way to of giving back, and helping you feel more confident about your decision. I call it “Blessing’s Private Bailout Program”. I have a vision of helping 100 families before the end of 2009! But the time to act is now!!
There are a couple of important steps you need to do to get a better sense of this opportunity and see if it will work for you:

Step 1:
Watch this recorded webinars on our EGS team website: Here you will be taken from A-Z, explaining all aspects of TVI Expressbusiness, most importantly how the compensation system works.
Go to my personal TVI website:
Take your time reading AS MUCH as you on the site as it is a free spam zone.
STEP 2: Get back with me to get your questions answered and let’s walk through how you we can get you signed up!
Here’s what really sold me on TVI Express:
Not only does TVI have excellent discount travel products and a unique pay out system…Where else can you pay a $250 one time membership fee and receive a voucher for a 7 day, 6 night vacation anywhere in the world worth $900? Plus a biz opp that you can work, that can double your initial $250 investment in a matter of days to $500 and then gives you the opportunity go higher in the compensation system and generate $10K in 30-45 days simply for bringing in two more people who receive the same benefits? It’s totally win-win!!
The most compelling reason for me is the fact that know three people/biz partners that are living proof that this business really works. For example:
Heidi (Boulder, CO) brought me into this opportunity. She just made her first $10K commission in 33 days. Here is video proof:
Andrea (New Jersey) received her first $10K on October 8, 2009 and she did it in 26 days! She has cycled two more times since. (Which brings her to $30K of income within another 3 week period). Here is video proof:
Mike (Vancouver, Canada) recently received $10K… and has gone on to cycle many more times…he’s on a roll!
This has also created several millionaires in the UK, Germany, India and China where TVI Express was first launched! It’s only recently become available in the USA. This is why it is such a perfect time to join — as the US is still considered in the pre-launch stage.
This is REAL - This is in 50 Countries - This Company is Debt Free!
I’m already on track to receive my next $10k soon. AND I am getting all my friends and family in. We are going to have a really great Christmas! I urge you to review the links provided above to learn how easy this business is…remember it only takes three people under you to qualify for the $10K payout.
Mark my words – you do not want to miss this!!!!!! I truly believe in the philosophy that I can achieve everything I desire by HELPING OTHERS achieve what they want. TVI Express has built into their system the “Team Concept” that truly makes this a reality.
When you join, you will become part of a strong global team – we will support and guide you, we have weekly team calls with updates and strategies for success, we have the eVouchers needed to sign up people quickly, we have excellent marketing resources, ideas and tools that you can use to grow your business.
Our TVI Extreme Global Success Team has taken this Team Concept even further. Not only is our team loaded with great leaders and awesome, success-minded people, we are experienced network marketers who have come together to ensure everyone on the team succeeds with our TVI Express business opportunity.
Additionally, we are implementing a number of team strategies to make it easier for team members to be successful in this business.You will join a team of TVI experts who know how to fully utilize the compensation system to cycle team members through as quickly as possible.

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